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New addition to the family, meet Ruby

Hi. Everyone.

I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator®.

Since Cocoa came into my life, he has been healing me every day. But no matter how much we play with tons of toys, he seemed a bit lonely, I felt that if there is a friend he would be happier.

Then, hubby heard the rumor about the house where Cocoa was born, then Ruby chose us to be with us in our family.

black and white kitten sleeping

You can not see her legs in this picture, but she is wearing white long boots.

I wanted Ruby to get used to the different places, and smell. So, I put Cocoa in the room and closed the door, and let Ruby roam around. But Cocoa wanted to see her so badly, so I let them see each other, from the moment on, they are running together all over the place.

I can hear them running around, but then suddenly it became quiet. When I found them, they were like this.

black kitten and black and white kitten sleeping togher

I guess their batteries run out.

Although it hasn't even been one week since Ruby came into our life, Cocoa is teaching her how things are in the house.

The other day,

we have several kitty doors in the house, but Ruby doesn't know how to use them yet. I saw her little white paws under the door, at the same time, I saw her head peeking through the kitty door, then I saw her paws under the door again. I was thinking I need to show her how to use them, then at the same moment, Cocoa showed up from nowhere, and he went through the kitty door while Ruby is struggling on the side. Thanks to Cocoa, Ruby can use the kitty door now.

Whenever I see them doing the things that my other kitty who crossed over on the other side used to do, I felt sad a little.

But they don't live in the past.

They are teaching me how to live in this present moment.

I found learning about the loss and dealing with this is very hard, but Cocoa and Ruby are helping me to heal little by little.

Love and Peace



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