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My recent client testimonial for Soul Level Animal communication®.

My recent client testimonial for Soul Level Animal communication®.


actually... this is super helpful!

I was wondering about Bach flower remedies while I was asking that question?

She must be telling us this!

Thank you so much!

Yes she has a lot of tension in her neck and shoulders as this was where she got attacked and she has had a cone on for about 2 weeks now and she’s really not happy about it. It’s almost ready to come off but there is one deeper wound that need to heal. Thank you so much for this!!

We really appreciate all that you do!

Also after our conversation and you talking so much about our hearts... I thought you’d think it was cute to see her white patch on her heart! I thought it looked like an letter ‘B’ and one of my intuitive friends who was Ripley’s best friend saw a little Unicorn head!!!! 🦄 so cute!

Thank you infinitely!

ー B.F. ー

testimonial of soul level animal communication



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