A great success!
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®.
It was a great success at the T & T fair. I appreciate the people who came to this fair and chose me for the reading.

The treasure of this fair was the connection with my clients and with other vendors.
It was my first time to be on this T & T fair, but this was the 8th year that they held this fair, and there were some veterans that joined from the beginning.
Even though I'm shy, I felt good being in this kind of energy because everybody was so kind and nice.
I exchanged the reading with other psychic readers, it was nice to see like-minded people, and I learned a lot about myself.

It seemed like there were lots of unexpected things that happened to the organizer, but they were just like Phoenix, this event was a great success.

It took me about two and a half hours by car to get there, and I had to stay overnight for this event. To tell you the truth, I felt I was "called" to be there. I felt like I had to be there strongly for some reason. I take this kind of intuition seriously. In the end, I knew the reason why I had to be there. Plus, I had a lot of things to gain for myself.

If they have this fair in the future, I would like to join again.
Love and Peace Keiko