Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®.
Everything has happened Today. I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that I am guided by my team of guides.
I know it's sudden but I'm going to be at this event next Saturday.

Come join us next Saturday, Apr.13.2019 I will be at the "FRASER VALLEY PET EXPO"
offering soul level animal communication
to visitors and visitor's pets during the show free of charge!!
"Fraser Valley Pet Expo 2019" will be held at Chilliwack Heritage Park! 44140 Luckakuck Way, Chilliwack, BC V2R 4A7
Apr.13.2019 (SAT) from 10 AM to 4 PM
$5 for adult admission kids 12 and under are free.
Fraser valley pet expo Facebook page For more detail visit, FRASER VALLEY PET EXPO
Now, I would like to tell you how I got here.
I was out all day Yesterday. After midnight I checked Facebook, and I found a post about a wellness fair in June. Even though there were only a few spots left, I sent an e-mail to the organizer to get more information.
I checked my e-mail account Today, but there was no e-mail from that organizer. Feeling a bit blue, I figured that maybe the spots were filled already.
Then I looked at my Facebook timeline, and I discovered the post of the "Pet Expo." I looked into more detail. To my surprise, it's happening next week in the town I go grocery shopping.
I cursed myself, why didn't I notice that earlier. I was feeling blue already from other fair but now I feel a darker blue... I didn't even know there was such an event happening in this town, furthermore, I had no clue what kind of fair this is.
So, I sent an e-mail to the organizer, asking that I know it's too late for this year, but can I apply as a vendor as an animal communicator.
Then right away I received an e-mail, telling me that there was a cancellation so that I can apply.
I dove right in. Then she offered me an even better deal!! If I offer my readings for free of charge, she would waiver the fee. I wanted more exposure, and I can be of service to the people and their pets. It was perfect for me. Plus, this fair is only one day, and people who come to this fair are all pet lovers!!
Usually, in Canada, those fairs are held for two days. The fee for a booth, hotel, food, gas, it could cost more than $800.
I didn't even know this pet expo Facebook page existed, to begin with. It's a mystery to me how I saw that post. I don't think it was a sponsored post.
In this pet expo,
they run contests and are looking for donations for prizes. So, I'm going to donate 45 minutes of soul level animal communication session. I know this session also goes to a person who really needs it.
I heard this phrase before "The universe has your back!"
I truly feel that I am guided.
If you are around Chilliwack, please visit me.
Love and Peace Keiko