Fairy magic in ordinary life
Hi. Everyone.
I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator®
Do you believe the power of something that can not be seen? The Universe, The source, something great, that sorts of things.

One of my new clients from States told me how she found me.
She was searching an animal communicator on google, and my site came up.
Now, I have to remind you that there are tons of animal communicators all over the world.
My teacher is based in States, but I live in Canada.
So, I can not imagine that my site would come up in an American google.
Furthermore, my teacher has 14 certified practitioners so far, yet only my site came up for my client.
I heard similar stories from my colleagues, but I'm still surprised when this happened to myself.
I'm pretty sure that my angels and fairies, client's doggie, my animal, crystals, all these guides worked very hard behind the scene and made it happen.
"Magic" was the keyword for this client.
The session with her made me realize to know the magic in everyday life.
A great thing about the session is that even though I'm reading my client, more often than not, the message that comes up apply to myself too.
When I look back my life, I felt several times, the force that pushed me to go in a particular direction. Of course, I couldn't see it with my physical eyes. If you say, "It was nothing, you just made it up" or "It was just luck", I can't say anything. But I don't think I made it this far only with myself.
I remember that invisible force when I decided big decisions in my life.
This magic, it's actually happening everywhere in ordinary life. We make our-self so busy that we don't recognize them.
When you slow down and smell the roses, you may be able to see the magic.
Have you found fairy magic?
Love and Peace