My husband and the kitty
Hi. Everyone.
I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator®.
My husband and I love kitties. We are definitely cat people.

Every year I ask my sister who lives in Japan to send me a daily cat calendar.
We enjoy this calendar very much. People sent their kitty pictures from all over Japan to this calendar.
You can see a different kitty every day, and when the day is over, you can use it as a memo paper. It has lines and everything. I like the quality, the size, and usefulness.
I keep the older date ones for future use.
One day, my husband showed me something.
He has this calculator with a cover which has a little jacket.
He folded, one of these old calendar pictures neatly and put it in the calculator jacket.
I have to remind you guys, this picture is not one of our kitties. Not even close.
He has no access to the internet for a whole week so he can not watch cat videos.
I guess, this picture gives him comfort…
Now, he drives semi-truck.
He goes to a warehouse.
There lives a cat named Ellie.
She takes care of the place. That’s her job.
My husband’s boss only gives her dry food.
So, he brings some canned food just for her.
She used to scratch him in the beginning, but now when he calls her name, she shows up from nowhere.
He talks to her, in front of the boss.
It may sound creepy to some, but Ellie knows that he is the one who gives her canned food, so she is all over him.
I think he does this because she gives him comfort, just like the old calendar in his calculator.
Animals do that to humans effortlessly. They make us feel calm, and everything is OK at that moment.
How does your pet comfort you?
Love and Peace