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Meet your spirit guides

Hi. Everyone.

I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator.

My teacher held a webinar the other day.

It’s called "Meet your spirit guides."

You may have heard about your spirit guides.

There is not only one guide, but you have a team of guides, that is helping you.

And your team of guides is formed only for you.

There are different guides for different purposes.

There is a guide for a relationship, career, arts, medical, etc.

You meet your guides with guided meditation in this webinar.

My guide put a hand on my left shoulder, but that hand looked scary to me because there was some kind of guarding thing on the back of the hand. I was scared to turn around to see him, but when I did, he was a warrior.

He was holding a Katana sword, there was a red round guarding thing on his torso area, it was Asian gear, it was more like Chinese to me. But I didn't feel a fighting energy from him. When I asked him what is he helping me with. He said, "bring peace and expand peace."

When I asked his name, Quan-Ti came up in my mind. (He is also called Kuan Jung, Kuan Yu. uan Ti ) Then I remembered that a long time ago when I learned Reiki, the teacher told me that I'm with Quan-Ti, so I thought it influenced my judgment. So I asked his name again, then he said you know that already.

When the guided meditation was over, participants shared their guides.

One said her guide is an angel.

The other said, her guide was wearing a beautiful veil.

The third person said her guide looked like a Hugh Jackman, and yet mine was a dark, armored guide.

So I asked my teacher how many times can I do this meditation because I didn't like my guide that showed up.

Of course, my teacher asked me who was my guide. When I answered, she started to laugh, saying that why do I need a strong and powerful warrior guide in my life. When I told her what my guide is helping me with, because she knew everything about me, she said there is a couple way to get peace. Peace by not speaking up for yourself, holding it all in, and just let everybody walk over you, or there is peace by finally saying what I want, and it's out there now, and feel peaceful because I took care of myself.

Everything she said was so true.

I guess I need this guide.

What kind of guide do you have?

Love and Peace


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