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Trauma? The fair, reading and the crystal bowls.

Hi. Everyone.

There was a fair at the beginning of July. It was held where I usually go shopping. It takes about an hour and a half by car from where I live.

I considered it a lot whether to be a vendor or not, but I decided not to participate this year.

I guess the fair that I went to last Oct which I needed to go, to be certified as an animal communicator was a bit of a traumatic experience for me.

There was already an animal communicator at the vendor, and she has a book which she published, she can read past life and other stuff, even more, she teaches animal communication.

I thought no way I can't be there as a vendor.

This fair was held in this town for the very first time. So it wasn't clear to me, how big the table was or how many chairs it came with, I couldn't choose the placement of the table, even more, I had to stay there for two days ( Sat and Sun) and It was on from 10 am to 8 pm on Saturday, it was such a long time.

I found myself finding the reason not to go.

Think about it now I still can't believe that I did that fair last Oct.

This time, I went there to check this place out and have fun.

The place was easy to find and huge! There are three different structures inside. There is a riding ground for the horses and there is a place to eat, then finally I found the entrance to the fair.

When I went in, I thought it was small, about 1/3 of the size compared with the one that I went to before.

I don't know if it was because of the size, this place had a completely different energy. I didn't feel that stabbing harsh energy from this place.

The organizer must have considered this. They separated the vendor who sells stuff and the people who do the reading. The reading tables were placed far back to the corner.

People were selling lots of stuff.

I thought it's not bad for this town.

I live in a little village, so for me, this town is a big city, but this place is famous for the farm and corns.

I went there on Sunday, so I asked the vendor how it was on Saturday. She told me, it was pretty busy and everyone got their money worth more than the vendor fee.

It was so small that I went around very quickly. I wanted to get some reading, but I couldn't find anybody who was a match with my energy.

So, I went around one more time. Then I found this person who wasn't there or couldn't see before, and she was the perfect match for me.

(The one with the white lace top on the right.)

I couldn't tell what she does so I asked her if she does reading. She said yes, but there were already people lined up and left their name. But for some reason, she couldn't find her next client. So, I was able to get the reading right away.

She read my energy as soon as I sat on the chair.

I asked about my animal communication business.

She also used cards, and the one she picked very first was “Enchantment”

Then she said, it may sound weird, (I was wondering what?), have you heard of the fairy realm.

I started to laugh.

Apparently, fairies are all around me.

(Just so you know, my business name is Golden Fairy 444)

and animal communication is perfect for me.

After the reading, with perfect timing, a crystal singing bowl concert started, about 15 people or so were seated.

There was a golden crystal bowl, and she went around every person with it.

I was very comforted by the sound and frequency.

There was a crystal instrument that I've never seen before.

There was a harp looking instrument too.

She also sang and used a drum.

It was a pretty good concert.

I would like to be a vendor for this fair next year.

Love and Peace


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