The interview with Fluffy
I was interviewed by John Craig (Echan Deravy) Today.
It’s podcast, so it is audio only.
He wrote the contents in English but audio is all in Japanese.
I'm the very first Japanese speaking interviewee for his show.
I thought it would be in English and Japanese but he decided to do this interview only in Japanese.
He said that later when the show has developed more, he would bring me back for the English.
We talked for about an hour. The first half was about me, how I ended up here. Born in Japan to living in Canada.
Last half was about animal communication.
If you are the reader of this blog, you know this.
I have an issue with speaking up.
Last night before I went to sleep, I told Fluffy that I have an interview Tomorrow, so could you please help me so I won't be too nervous.

Next day, when the time came, Fluffy shows up in the room and sits on my lap and had the interview with me.
About the middle of the first half, she must have thought that I'm ok, so she left my lap and stayed on the couch behind me.
John started to talk about animal communication, he asked me what is the most memorable episode with I’ve had with my client, but I my brain froze, nothing coming out from my mouth.
I started to get nervous, then Fluffy came back to my lap.
When I think about it now, I had a whole bunch of episodes to tell, but I couldn't come up any at the time.
John was very friendly and easy to talk with.
But unfortunately, I don't think I explained about my Soul level animal communication very well.
This was my very first interview and I learned a lot.
I don't know if I will have the opportunity like this again,
but I truly wish that more people know about this,
relationship between humans and the animals deepen through animal communication.
When the recording of the audio is up on his site I will let you know.
Thank you for reading my blog.
Love and Peace