Archangel ? Uriel No.1
Hi. Everybody.
Today, I'm going to write about my third daughter Uriel.
She was born in the back alley.

Because these kittens are wild, to get used to people for an easy adoption at SPCA, my husband brought them home for a while.

They were so cute, but I had three cats already.
At that time, I could never imagine that I would become an animal communicator, but I asked my three kitties if it's ok to have another kitten. Two of them said NO, One said YES. Everyone is getting along now and I didn't want to break the hierarchy, so I've decided not to have another kitten.
However, there was one kitten that was very skinny and small.
I didn't have anything to give the kitten, so, I gave her some sour cream that I had in the fridge. This kitten must have been really hungry, she loved that sour cream.
After a while, hubby took them back where the mommy was.
But then, he came back with one kitten.

I asked what happened,
He said when he put them back, all the kittens were locked in for the warmth and they wouldn’t let this small skinny one in. Then she came back as if she was saying please don't leave me here. So, he couldn't leave her there.
If he left her there she wouldn't have survived.
I couldn't say no to this.
One kitty who said Yes when I asked, so she ended up being the surrogate mother and even now she is Uriel's favorite.

Now, this Uriel, even though I named after Archangel, her character is far from it. I thought if I disciplined her from a small kitten, this will keep the hierarchy and everybody would get along together. I was wrong. Everybody has a different character, therefore, some get along and some don’t.

A few years past.
Hubby never forgot that love that Uriel showed him,
because he holds her against her will.
Uriel doesn't like to be touched.

So, if I try to pet her, she avoids my intention even before I touch her and disappears.
When things like this happened, I couldn't stop thinking how cute she was when she was a kitten.

The other cats that I live with, I know how they are and whenever I call their name, they answer to me then come to me like a dog. But when it comes to Uriel, I have no idea what she is even thinking about. I thought she thinks of me as a human who gives her food.
But since I learned animal communication, and started to understand why she is in my life, my perspective had changed, then miraculously, her attitude started to change also.
To be continued...
*All the other kitten went to the SPCA found a home, and a cat which was in the back alley was fixed.
Love and Peace