Since I became Certified Practitioner
Hi. Everybody.
I’m Keiko. I’m a Soul Level Animal Communicator.

I wrote a little bit about this before.
Because of the support I had from my friends and my guides, I finally became a certified practitioner.
You can see all the other certified practitioners in here.
My family name starts from W, so I'm at the bottom.
I'm the only Japanese Canadian person in there.
I'm learning the Soul Level Animal Communication since last June. I don't think I had any big issues that came up, but I have difficulty speaking up. English is not my first language so I needed the courage to speak up.
Since I went to the fair and talked to so many other people, I have realized something.
Human character is made based on the experience of life.
But besides of the experience, I had a feeling of alienation, feeling of not belong anywhere.
For example, if there is a bunch of people gathering together and having fun, even though I'm right there with those people, I felt like that I'm an outsider looking in from further away. I've been feeling this way for so long, I even believed this is the norm. This is the way it is.
But since that fair, I mean nothing special has happened, I even feel very strange to tell you this, but I feel like I'm in it. I’m not the outsider anymore. It almost feels like I'm accepted by this society or accepted that I'm a human being too.
It's really nothing special, just an ordinary conversation with the waitress at the restaurant or cashier at the store.
I don't have a feeling of looking in from outside anymore. I feel that I am definitely included.
I told about this to my friend, and she said, it is not that I was accepted by those people or society. I'm the one who accepted everything.
When I heard this, I had a deep understanding from the bottom of my heart. I realized that I had been rejecting. I was the one doing that.
I build walls around myself without knowing.
You think you know about yourself, but it's not quite true.
I feel like if I was an egg, just a couple pieces of shells that came off at the moment.
I'm going to learn from animals and grow more and more.
So please continue to cheer for me.
Love and Peace,