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My Fluffy

Hi. Everybody.

I’m Keiko. I’m a Soul Level Animal Communicator.

I would like to introduce my kitty Today.

You probably know I love cats, but Fluffy is very special.

I knew when I met her the first time there is a deeper connection with her.

FYI, We were together in our past life.

Sunning was the favorite things to do in the spring.

We still love to do the same.

When I go to bed at night, wherever she was, she comes and sleeps on my arm. If there were no arm, she would complain.

Beginning of learning an Animal Communication,

I have to choose who would be suitable for a helper animal.

The first helper animal was Fluffy.

She showed me a vision that she was just sitting but her both eyes were glowing blue.

Her body is all black, so she looked like Halloween kitty.

Since she became my helper animal, she helped me to see clearly with my mind's eye.

Can you guess what is the lesson that she is teaching me?

It is "to have confidence"

Whether about human or animal, the information I receive is not really seen with my physical eye or feel with my hand.

So, to have confidence is a big thing for me.

Adding to this, the class I'm taking for the animal communication, the teacher is an American so as my classmates.

I was the only one who doesn't have English as a mother tongue.

I was not sure if I can understand English in the class also, speaking out in front of everybody in English was a big thing for me.

But with Fluffy's help, I'm alright now.

I grew to be able to say I'm an animal communicator proudly.

I have to go out more and more to let people know what I do so I still need Fluffy's help though.

The fair is coming up to next weekend.

I'm a bit nervous, but I'm going to have fun as much as possible.

Love and Peace,


Penticton Wellness Fair on Oct.28(Sat) and 29(Sun). Admission is Free and you will get a free Welcome Bag.

Please come and visit me.

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