Sickness and health start with the mind
Hi. Everyone.
I’m a Soul Level Animal Communicator.

Because I’m getting older, I went for a checkup.
I went to take an Ultrasound of my lower tummy a few months ago.
I went to see the Doctor to find out the results.
He told me I have several Fibroids.
My face turned blue literally but the Doctor kept going as a matter-of-fact way. One of them is more than 7cm.
I was in total shock without a word.
Then the Doctor said, these are in the muscles so you don’t have to worry about it.
What!! I don’t have to worry?
He kept going.
One of them is 2.5cm this one is where the monthly thing accumulates, and it goes away when the time comes every month.
That is the reason why I have a hard time every month.
In the end, he prescribed me a pill to shrink the fibroid and wait and to see.
I didn’t know if I should worry or be glad, I had a mixed feeling.
Then I wondered why the body creates this, so I looked up the meaning.
It says,
Fibroid Tumors : Feeling guilt or grief for lost pregnancies; great desire to have children.
I don’t want a human child. I never even have a thought of it, so the latter doesn’t fit, but a feeling of guilt makes sense to me.
Humans are so powerful that it creates from just a thought.
If we can create, it’s possible that we can un-create too.
What message do you receive from your body?
Love and Peace,