Hi. Everybody.
How are you doing?

Today's topic is the guilt.
This word itself already holds the heaviness.
But this topic comes up in the reading a lot recently.
The feelings like this
I should've done that or
If I could take them to the vet sooner.
I painfully understand the feeling as a human.
It was me before I learned Animal communication.
Years passed by when I think about it tears came down naturally.
So, I want to tell you this,
When they pass,
When, Where, How, Who's around,
Everything is orchestrated by the animal.
If this was a movie, it's like a role of director.
I know it's hard to believe.
But the animal doesn't take death like a human does.
The animals are the teacher which mastered unconditional love.
They chose the body to be born so that human can learn the lesson the easiest way.
They help us tirelessly, sometimes, they put their life on us.
I hope people who read my blog feels lighter, and I'm glad if it helps you to go forward.
Love and Peace,
I'm doing the Summer Special but its ends on Sep.30th.
Usually 20 min for $40 (CAD), I'm doing it for $30.
If you have questions to ask your loving pet, now is the time.
Please check out my site for detail.