Jun 24, 2019
A great success!
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. It was a great success at the T & T fair. I appreciate the people who...

Jun 14, 2019
Have you heard of this before?
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. I'm Earthing with my kitties and writing this Today. Fluffy enjoys kitty...

Jun 9, 2019
Who's the boss
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. When I water my little garden, I go out in the backyard with my kitties....

Apr 20, 2019
Grumpy the snake, Pet Expo
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. It was a big success at Pet Expo last Saturday. Here is a video, from...

Mar 31, 2019
Earthing with pets
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. Finally, spring has arrived here where I live. Although, when the sun...

Feb 3, 2019
What hint will your animal show you?
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about Fluffy, my black kitty. I have a deep...

Jan 20, 2019
Fluffy's desperate attempt
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. I think we are experiencing extreme weather, it was plus 5 Celsius Today,...

Oct 29, 2018
Fairy magic in ordinary life
Hi. Everyone. I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator® Do you believe the power of something that can not be seen? The Universe,...