Jan 14, 2018
The power of intention
Hi. Everybody. If you would have read my blog last week, you would know that I made a list of how to create myself. Since then, a new...

Jan 7, 2018
Creating yourself
A Happy New Year!! Everybody. This is my first blog for 2018. I have to confess. For all my life, I’ve never thought of making a New...

Dec 25, 2017
Archangel ? Uriel No.2
Continued from last week. Since I learned animal communication, I’ve had so many opportunities to get readings from my classmates about...

Dec 17, 2017
Archangel ? Uriel No.1
Hi. Everybody. Today, I'm going to write about my third daughter Uriel. She was born in the back alley. Because these kittens are wild,...