Jun 24, 2018
Stand up for yourself
Hi. Everyone. It has been really hot for a past week, but today was barely 20 C (70 F). I think this year is kind of extreme...

Apr 15, 2018
The interview with Fluffy
I was interviewed by John Craig (Echan Deravy) Today. It’s podcast, so it is audio only. He wrote the contents in English but audio is...

Dec 3, 2017
Culture shock, after all these years?
Hi. Everybody. I’m in a bit of a funk this past week. It's one of culture shock should I say, I didn't know that I was a coward. There is...

Nov 18, 2017
Since I became Certified Practitioner
Hi. Everybody. I’m Keiko. I’m a Soul Level Animal Communicator. I wrote a little bit about this before. Because of the support I had from...