Jun 10, 2018
Basking in the sun and Milk Thistle
Hi. Everyone. It was such a beautiful day, so my kitties and I went basking in the sun in the yard. It had been too cold or too hot...

May 19, 2018
A holistic cat food recipe book
Hi. Everyone. Living with senior cats, and finding out my Fluffy is in an early stage of Kidney disease, I'm trying to change their diet....

Apr 22, 2018
Are you speaking your mind?
Hi. Everyone. This is more about last week's blog. After the interview, I started to think that he didn't ask me about my website, Nor...

Apr 15, 2018
The interview with Fluffy
I was interviewed by John Craig (Echan Deravy) Today. It’s podcast, so it is audio only. He wrote the contents in English but audio is...

Feb 4, 2018
Tara’s turmoil
Hi. Everybody. My Tara, she will be 15 years old this year. In human age, she is in 60’s or 70’s. She seems healthy, runs so fast, (...

Jan 28, 2018
How do you use intuition in everyday life?
Hi. Everybody. When you hear the word “intuition”, do you think people who have or use this power are special? I think every single one...

Jan 21, 2018
Hi. Everybody. This is continued from last week about the trap of intention. I learned a new way of using the intuition and practiced it...

Jan 14, 2018
The power of intention
Hi. Everybody. If you would have read my blog last week, you would know that I made a list of how to create myself. Since then, a new...

Dec 17, 2017
Archangel ? Uriel No.1
Hi. Everybody. Today, I'm going to write about my third daughter Uriel. She was born in the back alley. Because these kittens are wild,...

Dec 3, 2017
Culture shock, after all these years?
Hi. Everybody. I’m in a bit of a funk this past week. It's one of culture shock should I say, I didn't know that I was a coward. There is...