Feb 3, 2019
What hint will your animal show you?
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. A couple weeks ago, I wrote about Fluffy, my black kitty. I have a deep...
Jan 20, 2019
Fluffy's desperate attempt
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator®. I think we are experiencing extreme weather, it was plus 5 Celsius Today,...
Sep 23, 2018
What is the real reason behind the problematic animal behavior?
Hi. Everyone. I’m Keiko. I’m a soul level animal communicator. Have you ever wondered, why they do the things they do about your pet?...
Sep 16, 2018
Signs and Synchronicity
I participated in the webinar about the signs and synchronicity. I hear this word a lot. But what is “Synchronicity” anyway? It is the...
Sep 9, 2018
Forever Pet
Hi. Everyone. I found this video on Facebook. This is a talk on TED by Rodney Habib, it’s called "Forever Dog" It's about "How To Build...
Aug 26, 2018
Pay attention to me!
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator. This is about my second daughter who comes up on this blog a lot. (When...
Aug 19, 2018
Expectation of the Hummingbird
Hi. Everyone. I have two hummingbird feeders. The long one doesn't have a resting place so that they have to hover around while drinking....
Aug 13, 2018
A message from a beloved pet in Heaven
Hi. Everyone. I'm Keiko. I'm a soul level animal communicator. If you have something that you would like to ask an animal communicator,...
Jul 22, 2018
Hi. Everyone. I’m Keiko, I’m a Soul level animal communicator. My teacher, Danielle Mckinnon, held a mini-class about Claircognizance....
Jul 15, 2018
Hi. Everyone. I’m Keiko, I’m a Soul level animal communicator. My teacher, Danielle Mckinnon, held a mini-class about Clairaudience....