Tara’s turmoil
Hi. Everybody.
My Tara, she will be 15 years old this year.
In human age, she is in 60’s or 70’s.
She seems healthy, runs so fast, ( sometimes, she runs like a crazy kitty.) and she is living a long life with me.

Recently, I noticed that she is losing weight.
Compared with black kitty Fluffy, she is only one year younger yet her weight is much, much lighter than her.

Adding to it, I also noticed that she is not eating crunchies.
Probably the aging thing, and her teeth are not doing too well.
When I looked at her teeth, it was brownish but her gum looked still ok.
She is losing weight and doesn't eat crunchies, so I gave her more canned food, then she gained her weight back.
Every time I feed her canned food, she acts as if she hasn't been eating for a week. I thought maybe she couldn't eat crunchies because of her teeth, and she must have been starving. I wish I could've realized it earlier.
She is eating but if I leave it, her teeth could get worse,
so I decided to go to the vet.
I didn't know this but believe or not, eighty-five percent of cats over the age of three have some form of dental disease.
On the way there, I was anxious and worried.
Thinking that, when they treat cat's teeth,
will she have to go under?
Anesthesia is very hard for her old body,
Do I have to leave her overnight at the vet?
Then when the doctor checked her teeth, he said her teeth are ok.
But, she doesn't eat crunchies anymore. I exclaimed.
Then he continued calmly and said, that's because she prefers the wet food than dry food.
OMG. She completely fooled me! I was under her control.
She thinks she is the queen of the house.

But tartar build-up has certainly started, so it's better to start some dental care, the bonus is that her heart is also ok.
I was worried sick about her but her teeth are still ok.
I totally understand that she prefers the canned food but if I give her only the canned food, her teeth would get worse, so I got kitty toothpaste.
This is the stuff.

Just add to the water dish.
A couple days after I used this product, I saw Tara eating the crunchies.
She used to eat only one or two pieces of crunchies, she was eating more than that.
If you leave dental disease untreated, it will affect their liver and kidney, so please check your kitty too.
Love and Peace
=== Announcement ===
I completed all the classes that existed up until this point on Jan. 31st. I'm considering to change the price officially as a professional.
I felt that 20 min reading wasn't long enough, so I'm thinking to change it to 30 min instead of 20 min.
So, if you are interested, please schedule the reading as soon as possible. (before the price will go up.)